Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tastings - "La Chouffe"

Name: La Chouffe Ardens Blond Bier
Variety: Beer
Region: Belgium
Country: Belgium
Year: N/A
Price: 5 variety bottle pack for $25 USD

Online Review: N/A

Review:  This was an AWESOME thing for me because it was actually a bottle of beer that I've been holding onto for over 8 months.  This past summer, I had the chance to go over to The Gambia, Africa on a 2-week trip with my campus fellowship.  Our layover was in Brussels, Belgium, and while there, I picked up a variety pack of 5 different bottles of Belgium beers.  I gave it as a gift to my parents, but they told me to keep at least one that I could try for myself, so this was the one that I chose and brought down to school with me to have on a special occasion.  This past week, (for no specific reason) I felt like celebrating life with my roommates, so we cracked this baby up and shared it as we ate a dinner of some grilled chicken and vegetables.  Initially, the smell was so defined.  It smelled nothing of any beer I have ever smelled before.  It was bitter, sharp, almost obnoxious in a sense, and it just jumped out at me from the moment I opened it.  The taste was a WHOLE other story.  This beer is labeled to be 8% alcohol, however, it tasted more like 15%.  It was strong and had a very distinct alcohol flavor. not one that I ever tasted in a beer before.  Also, it tasted more like a champagne than it did beer.  Overall, I wasn't crazy about this beer, probably just because my palate is so used to my typical Coors Light or PBR, but it was really cool trying this European beer, and was very special.  As I did, I would definitely recommend drinking this alongside a solid meal, mostly because it can overpower the food, and seems a bit harsh to drink without anything to eat.

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